Sunday, April 26, 2009

Why are my begonia's leaves drooping?

You helped me save my begonia in the past, due to my total ignorance. Now, it does not appear to have fungus, but the leaves are drooping at the edges. I don't put too much water in it, as that is what gave it the fungus. Is it getting too little? It is in an south-facing window bay in Southern California. Do leaves droop during cold? Any help would be appreciated.

Why are my begonia's leaves drooping?
Aerate the soil. Use a pencil, screw driver, scissors to poke holes in the dirt. Then water from the top or place it in a container of water. (Is the dirt separated from the pot? Is the plant very light weight when you pick it up? All indicators of being too dry.)

Take 6 - 8" cuttings, strip bottom leaves, put in a clear container of water to root. Takes about a week.

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