Saturday, November 14, 2009

I want to plant begonias, but what temperature is too low. I had them in the house for about a week.?

You are looking for it to be past the frost date in your area - check this with your "zone". If you are in the US, use the map below. You can also wait until the nights are 50 degrees or better - but we only do that with our tropicals down here in zone 7 - they need warmer nights, but I think begonias are hardy right up to frost, so once your frost date is passed, just check the weather for another week or two after you put them out, so you can be sure there is not a surprise late frost that may damage them - if that threatens, just drape some plastic over them overnight and then remove it before the sun hits them the next day.

I want to plant begonias, but what temperature is too low. I had them in the house for about a week.?
frost at 37 is way too cold


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