Monday, November 16, 2009

What flowers can I plant outside that doesn't attract stinging bees, just bumble bees??

Begonia's attract bumble bees and I am trying to find out what other colorful annual that will be safe to plant since my boyfriend can die from a bee sting.

What flowers can I plant outside that doesn't attract stinging bees, just bumble bees??
I don't know which flowers are less attractive to bees, but I do know that bumblebees sting just like honeybees. You should probably have an epi-pen (which administers the antidote for an anaphylactic/allergic reaction) at your house in case your boyfriend gets stung.
Reply:Bumblebees ARE stinging bees. They deliver a nasty wallop.
Reply:Try astilbes they are georgous ..or any flower without fragrance......fritillaria ...marigolds...alliums......
Reply:Bumble bees sting, but don't take my word for it, next time you see one, tickle its butt.

All flowers attract nectar loving insects. The same flowers that attract butterfly's will also attract bees.

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