Monday, November 16, 2009

If God's answers to prayer are either "yes," "no," or "wait," what makes God relevant?

I could say I get the same answers when I pray to my begonias and hyacinths.

Why are not such prayers simple reflections of naive superstitions?

If God's answers to prayer are either "yes," "no," or "wait," what makes God relevant?
Does that mean my magic 8 ball is God?
Reply:He is sovereign and almighty and holy...

We are not.

In the sermon on the mount, Jesus said "and when you pray"...

He didn't say, "and if you pray..."

Prayer is a's also a priviledge
Reply:I wonder how he answers more complex questions.

God what is the square root of 14?
Reply:Heck, you get those same answers with Magic 8 ball.

SNIPED AGAIN. I swear it's not my day! *high five to bettie and Triforce*
Reply:Actually, there are only two answers to prayer: yes, and "I've got a better idea."

God is relevant in that you have a sustaining relationship with Him. And even if the only miracle He had ever performed was the resurrection of Jesus Christ, that in itself was an enormous gift of hope to all mankind.
Reply:The answers god gives are no proof for the existance of god.

The only answers from god that would be relevant would be the answer to the question, "How should we cure cancer and starvation around the world?" I'm waiting for the booming voice in the thunder to give me a scientific formula. Still waiting.

Hasn't happened yet and yet the Bible says, "If you ask anything..." Apparently that verse isn't any more relevant than the existance of a god who answers prayer.
Reply:That is exactly how I answer prayers to me. So you minus well dump praying to god and pray to me. At least I exist.

Just say,

Our Grim Jack, who art at his desk, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, On earth as it is just down the hall a bit. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from mindlessness. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever, or at least until next Tuesday. Amen.
Reply:you could say you get the same answers but of course you'd be lieing......or in need of immediate mental evaluation...or both....God is God.....what amazes me is that He loves even people like you...those who doubt %26amp; question Him, who doudt His very existence....but He still loves you and wants you to love Him..and nothing you can do can change His thinking about you dont know many people like none, not even your own mother....God is the perfect Father to all of us....leading, guiding, correcting and blessing all of us, right when we need it. It's obvious you have never had prayer answered.....because when you do, you will never question Him again.....give it a shot..what you got to loose?...oh yeah, eternal life is what you have to loose...dont wait too long.. God Bless
Reply:When my child asks me for a pair of scissors, I will not give it to her because they can be dangerous to a child. I understand some risks that my child does not. In the same way God does not give us all we ask. He is not a magic goose, or a genie in a bottle, but a Father who loves us.

I have had many prayers answered by God, not necessarily the way I wanted them answered, but looking back, the way that was best for me.

God is apparently not relevant to you, so yes, the begonias seem like a good choice. ; )
Reply:You're better off asking the 8-ball. It has more than 3 answers.
Reply:I aswered this in your last question, but I think that prayer connects you to elevated spirits that can come closer to you and help you. Prayer is energy deliberated from your heart. Good spirits get attracted to that energy, and bad spirits get away from it. When you pray you become a magnet that attract good spirits to interact with you. But if you decide to pray to your begonias and hyacinths, if you are being sincere, the good spirits will get to you anyway, and hopefully show you, through inspiring thoughts if the begonias and hyacinths are listening or not.

Reply:I certainly agree with Primoa19 this time.

God is the almighty. He does not have to answer to us for anything at all. We receive rain, sunshine, vegetaion, etc. all because of his graciousness. We have no right to question him whatsoever!
Reply:hes not
Reply:well, if he says "Yes" that's surely relevant.
Reply:Have you heard GOD answer YES,NO or WAIT to any questions,and if your plants talk to you,you need a psychiatrist.God is relevent in many ways in somepeoples lives,but you must want HIM there.God is very relevent in church,activities or funtions of the church and in our lives.

WE make GOD RELEVENT because we want to.

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