Thursday, November 12, 2009

How can i cure powdery mildew on my begonia?

I am a landscaping professional with PlushGreen.

Curing your powdery mildew with fungicide may not be the only action you need to take. You should also be sure to address the cause of the problem. Here are a few conditions that favor the disease:

Temperatures around 65o F

Reduced air circulation

High atmospheric humidity, but no free water on leaves/petals

Low light intensity

Note: The most common problem for powdery mildew on begonias is the reduced air circulation. However, that is not necessarily the cause in your case.

After writing this response, I stumbled across this link to the American Begonia Society:

Here is an excerpt:

How are we best able to control mildew?

In my opinion prevention is far better than trying to cure a later problem so by not growing those plants known to be highly susceptible to mildew you will reduce the chance of spreading the infection.

A second point to consider is adopting a preventative spray program from the beginning of the season, before you have any mildew. We will look at what to use shortly.

The final environmental consideration is where you actually grow your plants. If you use a glass house then you MUST give adequate ventilation and of course control the humidity. Shade houses have the advantage of better natural ventilation. In both, plants should have some space between them. Jai-nming your plants close together will reduce the all important air flow around them thus increasing the risk. Those plants growing in the open garden are of course at the risk of the elements but good spacing here will also reduce the chances of infection. Always spray your plants in the morning and when watering endeavour not to wet the foliage, otherwise again do it in the early part of the day.

How can i cure powdery mildew on my begonia?
The same products you would use on roses.

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