Thursday, November 12, 2009

Why is my angel wing begonia is dropping all of its flowers??

i live in texas and recently brought home this beautiful plant with lots of blooms, and i put it in a window of my house that doesn't get too much sun, just some in the morning. Now all of the flowers are falling off...some of them turn white first. what can i do to stop this, whats wrong with my plant?

Why is my angel wing begonia is dropping all of its flowers??
I cannot say for sure if anything is wrong with it. I recently planted two of these myself out in the flower bed. They get morning sun only too. Mine turn white in places and are also loosing leaves daily, but I think that it is natural for them to lose the leaves so quickly. It seems to still be blooming and growing consistently.

I am not sure if this helped, but I just wanted to let you know that mine do the same thing. Mine get morning sun until around noon, so if you feel that it is not getting enough sun then try moving it to another area for a while and see if it helps. Good luck!
Reply:Well, begonia's do like sunlight, but part shade and light is fine. Also, where did you get the plant. Many places (ie. walmart) have terrible soil. I almost always ,if I am not going to put in the ground) re-pot my plants I bring home. Water accordingly, and "Miracle Grow" by the way is a super way of making your plant healthy and blooming. By the way, I live in Mississippi and have planted begonias in the ground and if you water everyday for a couple of weeks and plant where they are part shade they do real well and have many blooms. They even come back the next year. They also come in typical red blooms, but also pink and I think white.

Good Luck !
Reply:You don't stop it, it is the growth habit of angel wing (all) begonias to bloom, flowers fade, drop, bloom...

Cuttings root in water. Overwinter inside. They don't like direct sun.

Honored to have AWbegonias from a 1800's plant - old family thing.
Reply:It could be over fertilizing it. Or it could be just the moving from greenhouse to home. I know in my greenhouses Angle wing or Dragon Wing begonias will drop flowers just from moving its location.

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